Thursday, July 2, 2015

One More Time .... You DO NOT Need 20% Down

One More Time You Don't Need 20% Down | Simplifying The Market

One More Time…You DO NOT Need 20% Down

1. Down Payment

The survey revealed that consumers overestimate the down payment funds needed to qualify for a home loan. According to the report, 36% think a 20% down payment is always required. In actuality, there are many loans written with a down payment of 3% or less and the number has increased through the first quarter of the year as shown by the graph below:
Percent of Low Down Payments | Simplifying The Market

2. FICO Scores

The survey also reported that two-thirds of the respondents believe they need a very good credit score to buy a home, with 45 percent thinking a “good credit score” is over 780. In actuality, the average FICO scores of approved conventional and FHA mortgages are much lower:
Average FICO Scores | Simplifying The Market

Bottom Line

If you are a prospective purchaser who is ‘ready’ and ‘willing’ to buy but not sure if you are also ‘able’, let's get together and discuss your options.

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