Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Home Sales Will Remain Hot This Summer

Home Sales Will Remain Hot This Summer | Simplifying The Market

Home Sales Will Remain Hot This Summer

The most recent Foot Traffic Report released by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) revealed that there are more buyers out looking at homes right now than at any other time in the last two years including the past two springs (in orange below).

Foot Traffic | Simplifying The Market
The Foot Traffic Report is compiled from data on the number of properties shown by Realtors. NAR further explains:
“Foot traffic has a strong correlation with future contracts and home sales, so it can be viewed as a peek ahead at sales trends two to three months into the future."
We can see that the number of prospective purchasers out looking at homes has been greater each month this year compared to the same month in 2014. And, though foot traffic fell off last June as compared to May, this year it has increased nicely.

Foot Traffic Comparison | Simplifying The Market

Bottom Line

The housing market will remain strong throughout the summer and into the fall, making for one of the best years in real estate over the last decade.

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